Kubota WG972 DF972 DG972 E2 Gasoline Natural Gas LPG Workshop Service Repair Manual (PDF version)
This is a comprehensive and full workshop service manual for Kubota Engines. This manual has been written in a format that is designed to meet the needs of Kubota technicians worldwide. You will never be dissapointed with the quality and content of this workshop manual.
■ General
Information on the engine identification, the general precautions, maintenance checklist, check and maintenance and special tools are described.
■ Mechanism
Information on the construction and function are included. This part should be understood before proceeding with troubleshooting, disassembling and servicing.
■ Servicing
Information on the troubleshooting, servicing specification lists, tightening torque, checking and adjusting, disassembling and assembling, and servicing which cover procedures, precautions, factory specifications and allowable limits.